
  1. Camping
  2. Relaxing outside
  3. Sport activities
  4. Painting the wilderness
  5. Hiking
  6. Biking
  7. Eating icecream
  8. Relaxing at the beach
  9. Road trips
summer is the time to relax and have fun as school is out until the fall:The list above is activities I enjoy and tend to do quite often. I am seriously looking so forward to it which is only in a month or so, much like i mentioned in earlyer posts about darian lake where  we start camping on the may 24 weekend

4/24/2013 12:29:49 am

I really like how you have a ' top 10summer activities ' post. I think it's very important to have one of these. But, i dont get why you have swimming/tanning as number one, in my opinion relaxing at the beach should be first.

Casey Boe.
4/24/2013 11:18:23 pm

I like your list. I think mine would include reading, swimming, biking and just relaxing. I'm so excited for Summer!


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