Grey Hound Racing

So the topic of the day is grey hound racing . I actually adopted a grey hound named gable chick also known as "chicky" who is so loving you would never believe that she was once a neglected animal. When we got her she was one of the healthiest looking as well as beautiful !! She has a coat on her that is called brindle which is very smooth and shiny and her eyes just lit up when we adopted her and gave her a true home to be loved. But what we didn't realize at first was that her leg was broken during the time period of her racing career and he was just taken out of her cast a little while before. At first it was very hard for us all to adjust , she needed to be carried up the stairs and she was afraid of being alone for a short period of time as well as she was afraid of her own reflection . She now after having he about a year is happy and healthy but sadly that is not the case for thousands of grey hounds per year . They are all neglected , fed very poorly to about starvation and killed about 4 years into their life so a new batch can come in and race. None of this is about the grey hounds welfare it's all about greed and entertainment which in my opinion is not enjoyable seeing them being hurt on the race track because many have their legs broken or major injuries from other dogs competing . I really hope in the future this is all changed because if you walked into the grey hound rescue centre and saw all the large dogs in the small cages all day with their sad lonely eyes you would want to adopt them all!!!

The first topic I wanted to discuss was sir ken Robertson's idea on how school kills our creativity . This is in some cases true because school can be so structured and presented in a way where your true coulours can't shine through under all the text books and grammar. But now teachers have found a way to make the arts a big part of school like Eastwood for an example which is really help full and Let's kids be kids !! But sometimes I wished they applied that creativity in dryer situations like math class ! It dosnt have to be an art or dance studio but it would make math a very hated subject a little more tolerable if they presented it in a interesting way or any dry subjects for that matter so no ones talents are ignored anymore
''use your smile to change the world, dont let the world change your smile''