Most of my blog posts are about things I have done or thoughts now I'm doing more of a personal thought topic. So, I generally am a happy person who can't get angry very easily except for these few things including : people being obnoxious towards others which is rather upsetting . This includes bullying , gossip cyber bullying and just being rude towards others in general .Seeing people upset and feeling worthless really makes me feel sympathy towards them and in some ways can't find a way out .Some, may resort to less pleasant methods due to this fact. A second thing is, the people that swear like every second word okay whatever you swear ,but it dosen't look too good when your interested in presueing a career. And lastly things that are degrating to people of all kinds.Including women , racism towards races and stereotypes about blonds , teenagers and the elderly . Maybe these things apply to some people but definitely not all!! People need to be treated with equality and the way they deserve !

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