"Twilight is better , no Harry potter"!!! Many people cannot decide which story is best. In my opinion, both books / series were very satisfying and had lots of details and interesting background to support the story line. The author of Harry potter J.K Rowling was so creative in how she made all the concepts and history of Harry potter, it makes me wonder how she could fit it all together so well? How could one mind be so brilliant to do so?well the only way to find out is to ask the author yourself . Stephanie Meyer had less background and appealed to teenage audiences everywhere: She made it a interesting twisted story of a vampire in love with a human as well as a werewolf.
The only thing was I found the second book dragging on which was my least favourite and depressing, Bella really isn't that interesting of a character !!! But what can I say I watched all the movies and read all the books I couldn't help staying away from a juicy love story . I think a lot of the audience over the twilight movie was just to see the boys like usual but Harry potter honestly dosnt have that aspect so people watched it for the love of the story rather than for looks . Overall I think both were successful but in different ways and for different tastes. They both have the mystical theme which I enjoy to get out of reality sometimes , but Harry potter kept me more engaged because the characters had more depth and "emotion" that's relatable.

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